U.S. Companies Engage with ASEAN Digital Ministers and Senior Officials during the 4th ASEAN Digital Ministers (ADGMIN) Meeting

(Singapore) – From January 31 to February 2, the US-ASEAN Business Council (US-ABC) organized its flagship Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry mission to participate in the 4th ASEAN Digital Ministers’ Meeting (ADGMIN) in Singapore. The delegation was led by Ambassador Brian McFeeters, Senior Vice President and Regional Managing Director of US-ABC, and the Council’s ICT Committee Chair, Mr. Seow Hiong Goh, Executive Director of Global Policy & Government Affairs in the Asia Pacific region of Cisco Systems, Inc.
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This mission offered a valuable platform for industry leaders and senior ASEAN digital authorities to exchange insights on how the U.S. industry can support ASEAN Governments in achieving the 4th ADGMIN's theme of "Building Inclusive and Trusted Digital Ecosystems." With senior executives from 21 U.S. companies participating, this mission marked the Council’s largest engagement with ADGMIN since our inaugural mission in 2017.

The delegation had productive engagements with ASEAN Digital Ministers and ASEAN Digital Senior Officials during the three days of the mission, including bilateral meetings with Deputy Secretary-General Satvinder Singh of the ASEAN Secretariat, Secretary Ivan John E. Uy of the Philippines’s Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), Director Ichwan Makmur Nasution of Indonesia’s Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KOMINFO), and Director-General Tol Gnak of Cambodia’s Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPTC). The Council also interacted with the U.S. Government delegation led by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, Ambassador-at-Large Nathaniel Fick, and bilaterally met with Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) Steve Lang. The delegation hosted officials from several ASEAN digital ministries at the cocktail reception on the last day of the mission, where Singapore Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information & Ministry of Health, Dr Janil Puthucheary, and DAS Steve Lang provided remarks.
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At the ADGMIN + U.S. Plenary and ADGSOM + U.S. Consultative meetings, the Council highlighted key digital policy recommendations in areas of interest such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital infrastructure. The Council also presented its ICT work plan and priorities for 2024, including ongoing support for ASEAN initiatives such as the Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA), the development of the ASEAN Guide on AI Governance and Ethics, and provided updates on our ICT Committee's flagship project, the ASEAN Cybersecurity Maturity Model (ACAM).

The delegation also drew attention to policymaking considerations on a range of digital issues, including privacy, online scams, secure digital infrastructure, cloud computing, data governance, e-commerce, e-labeling, digital payments, data localization, local content requirements, digital platform regulations, and sustainability.

"We deeply appreciate Singapore's leadership in guiding ASEAN's efforts towards fostering a more inclusive and trusted digital ecosystem and facilitating greater regional alignment on policy issues, such as the adoption of ASEAN regional guidelines on AI," stated Ambassador Brian McFeeters. "Our companies see themselves as vital partners as ASEAN Member States continue to develop a robust, reliable digital economy that benefits all citizens.”

"ASEAN represents a very important market for U.S. industry, with a wide range of opportunities for innovation and investment in the digital economy, leveraging ICT as a foundation and enabler to support future growth across all sectors of the economy,” said Seow Hiong Goh, the Council’s ICT Committee Chair. “We look forward to continuing to help ASEAN Member States make progress in key areas of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, digital infrastructure, and sustainability to realize the region’s digital ambitions.”US-ABC’s on-going efforts are recognized in the Joint Media Statement of the 4th ADGMIN.

Companies participating in the mission include: Cisco, Amazon, Meta, Oracle, Qualcomm, Access Partnership, Apple, Autodesk, Citi, Crowell & Moring International, Expedia Group, Google, IBM, Intel, LinkedIn, S&P Global, SAP, Stripe, Tilleke & Gibbins, and Workday.


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About US-ASEAN Business Council

Since 1984, the US-ASEAN Business Council has been the premier advocacy organization for U.S. corporations operating within the dynamic Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Worldwide, the Council's membership of nearly 170 companies generates almost US$7 trillion in revenue and employs more than 14.5 million people.  Today our members include the largest U.S. companies conducting business in ASEAN and range from newcomers to the region to companies that have been working in Southeast Asia for more than 100 years. The Council has nine offices around the globe, in Washington, DC; New York, NY; Bangkok, Thailand; Hanoi, Vietnam; Jakarta, Indonesia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Manila, Philippines; Singapore; and Yangon, Myanmar.


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