US-ASEAN Business Council Commends Governments on Indo-Pacific Economic Framework Launch

(Washington, DC) – The US-ASEAN Business Council congratulates the United States and twelve other Indo-Pacific countries, including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, on launching the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF).

“With seven ASEAN member states in tow, the Biden-Harris administration has demonstrated its commitment to an inclusive and high-standard Indo-Pacific economic policy,” said US-ASEAN Business Council President & CEO Ambassador Ted Osius. “We hope these negotiations will yield effective commitments to expand trade, create more resilient supply chains, and craft a meaningful climate agenda to benefit workers, businesses, and consumers on both sides of the Pacific.


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About US-ASEAN Business Council

Since 1984, the US-ASEAN Business Council has been the premier advocacy organization for U.S. corporations operating within the dynamic Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Worldwide, the Council's membership of nearly 170 companies generates almost US$7 trillion in revenue and employs more than 14.5 million people.  Today our members include the largest U.S. companies conducting business in ASEAN and range from newcomers to the region to companies that have been working in Southeast Asia for more than 100 years. The Council has nine offices around the globe, in Washington, DC; New York, NY; Bangkok, Thailand; Hanoi, Vietnam; Jakarta, Indonesia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Manila, Philippines; Singapore; and Yangon, Myanmar.


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